09 March 2006

Packwood - The Excitement Builds

Regular readers may remember that way back in February of last year I Googled my own name (see "Snatched By Vanity" in the archives), and was delighted to discover the existence of a town in Washington state called Packwood, in , wait for it, Lewis county. Yes, that's right ladies and gentlemen, they finally named a town after me.
Ever since then I just can't stop thinking about Packwood (WA). I often find myself absent-mindedly surfing the net, looking at pictures of Packwood's shops and bars, along with eruption forecasts for nearby Mt. St. Helens and prices for snowmobile rental: I just can't get the place out of my head. There's only one thing for it - I'm gonna have to go to Packwood.
That's right folks, the prodigal son is returning home. Come August I will be setting foot on the hallowed soil of Lewis county. What will the locals make of me? Will I be shunned as just another eccentric travelling Englishman? Or will they receive me as their one true heir and crown me as the mighty King of Packwood? Who knows. But I can't bloody wait to find out.
Seriously, I am SO excited about visiting Packwood. I've just been having a look at it on Google maps. Guess what - Lewis Road runs straight through the middle of Packwood! How cool is that! The more I research things about Packwood, the more fascinating it becomes. I've just been checking out the website for the Inn of Packwood: I love their catchphrase:
Whatever your pleasure, INN OF PACKWOOD is the "in" place to stay while in the beautiful Cascade Foothills.
Classic. Then there's Packwood Spirits and Mementoes right next door, a shop selling traditional wood carvings and absorbant coasters, as well as "competitive priced cigarettes and adult beverages". Best of all though, they sell Packwood T-shirts (see below). I'm ordering one right now.
Man, I can't believe I'm actually going to see these places with my own eyes in a few months time!!!


Anonymous said...

your dorkyness is adorable lewis. I envy your namedness, I doubt I've gonna find Jaquette, and if i do, it'll probably be in France or some crap. The closest thing I ever had was the "House of Daniel" back in my home town, and it was an old person beauty salon, sigh

Andrew Cramer said...

Hahaha Thats great dude. Classic!

Anonymous said...

this is incredible! what a great story. you must source a packwood, lewis t-shirt too. especially handy for japan.

then where? are you off to the small scottish island next? to perhaps the timber yard?!

Anonymous said...

But what about Packwood in IOWA, is this not on your list? Dad

Phoenix said...

Well, I knew a lot of Lewis places, and the name Packwood is famous, but Lewis and Packwood...together? ^_^ It's no wonder you're so excited!

I understand though. When I was in Oregon for the Shakespeare festival, I discovered a nearby hamlet (groan...) named Phoenix. Well, I just HAD to hop a bus out there and take pictures! Every third business had Phoenix in the name, and there were Phoenix signs all over the place. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a Church of Phoenix, which would have been AWESOME. Ah, well. Luckily for me, there are only three towns/cities named Phoenix in America. One down, two to go.

Unfortunately for you, there are a load of Lewis places. This is what you get for sharing a name with a famous explorer. (coincidentally, the town Packwood was also named for an explorer, so there you go)

Ah, good times.

Anonymous said...

Packwood,IA lists a population of 223, not big granted, 1 of everything town but Packwood,WA must be very small as it doesn't list any population!
Source epodunk.com
Just noticed that Packwood IA county seat is place called Fairfield, I used to live in a road called Fairfield Crescent!

Anonymous said...

You see, America has all the answers.

Lewis said...

Thanks Tristan, I think I'll take you up on that offer!