28 April 2005

The Blue Skies Are Calling

I've had a crazy-busy day - non-stop lessons all morning, no time to
prepare my lunch before I left the house, huge piles of marking to
finish... and all the while the blue sky outside the staff room window
has been taunting me with its presence. It's possibly the
sunniest/warmest day of the year so far, and I'm stuck at my desk.

Still, tomorrow is "Green Day" which signals the start of "Golden
Week": four national holidays which fall at roughly the same time.
Unfortunately, the way the holidays have fallen this year means that I
still have to go to work next Monday and Friday, but tomorrow is a
different story... I'm planning an epic lie-in, a traditional English
breakfast, complete with Heinz Baked Beans (thank you foreign food
shop!), followed by a lazy afternoon sinking beers at a rooftop
barbecue. Bliss. I just hope the weather holds... At least Japan isn't
like Britain, where the mere mention of the word "barbecue" is the cue
for torrential downpours.

But that's tomorrow. I have to get out of this damn office first...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A foreign foodshop??

You lucky bastard! Send me some beans!