You may or may not have heard, but there was a series of big earthquakes in Niigata prefecture on Saturday, which caused a lot of damage, as well as a handful of deaths. Luckily we didn't really feel anything in Fukui - it was only when I got home and turned on the news that I found out that it had happened. A shinkansen train (bullet train) was derailed at 200kph, but miraculously no one was hurt. The train tracks have seismographs at 20 km intervals which detect if there is an earthquake and automatically shut off the electricity, but the train was travelling over the epicentre of the quake at the time, so the power couldn't be shut off quickly enough. What most interested me though was the fact that this is the first time a shinkansen train has been derailed. Ever. And the trains have been running since 1964. What the hell would Japanese people think of British trains, or "cages of death" as they're otherwise known?
Anyway, apart from the earthquake drama, it's been a pretty funky weekend. I did karaoke on Friday, and treated my fellow JETs to a rendition of "That's what I go to school for" by Busted, complete with well-timed leaps in the "rocking out" style. I never realised quite how filthy the lyrics to that song are. And strangely appropriate considering the levels of behind doors shagging done by the JET community and Japanese teachers. I also played on probably my favourite Japanese arcade game so far - I've attached a picture below. Yes, that's right, you have to walk a dog. Genius.
The idea is that you have to keep your dog happy by walking as fast as you can on a conveyer belt - the faster you walk, the happier the dog is. As you're strolling down the street with your virtual dog you have to use the lead to steer him/her towards potential points of interest, such as bits of food or flowers.
Unfortunately, it didn't simulate your dog trying to shag the legs of passers-by, or shit in the middle of the high street, but I'm sure that's something they'll keep in mind for the sequel. Unfortunately my dog was a little unhappy with me - although I let him chase after a cat, I got him run over three times. Anyway who says I deliberately tried to steer him under that truck is lying.
Anyway, I have to go and teach some English grammar, sayonara!
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Me, walking the virtual dog. |
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